Privacy Policy | START Personal sro
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Personal data protection policy​

General provisions 1.1. This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Company's Privacy Policy") sets out the procedure for the collection, use and disclosure of confidential information about customers and employees (hereinafter referred to as "users of the company's services") of the Czech cleaning company (hereinafter referred to as "START PERSONAL s.r.o." ). 1.2. The company adheres to a personal data protection policy that meets the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant legal regulations. 1.3. Users can be assured that the company ensures proper protection and confidentiality of their personal data.


Collection and use of information 2.1. The company collects and uses users' personal data only to fulfill its obligations to them. 2.2. The company collects and uses the following information about users: • Name and surname; • Contact information, including email address and phone number; • Information about orders and payments; • Information about employees, including professional qualifications, work experience and contact details. 2.3. The company processes users' personal data only with their consent. 2.4. The company does not transfer users' personal data to third parties without their consent, except when it is necessary to fulfill obligations to users.


Preservation and protection of information 3.1. The company keeps personal data of users only for the necessary period determined by the relevant legal regulations. 3.2. The company will ensure reliable protection of users' personal data against unauthorized access, use, alteration, destruction or disclosure.


Disclosure of Information

4.1. The company may disclose personal data of users to third parties only in cases established by relevant legal regulations, for example based on a request from state authorities.
4.2. The Company may share Users' personal data with third parties only with their consent.

Rights of Users
5.1. Users have the right to request information from the Company about the collection, use and sharing of their personal data.
5.2. Users have the right to request the correction or deletion of their personal data from the Company.
5.3. Users can withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data at any time.

Contact informations
6.1. All inquiries regarding this policy may be sent to the Company's email address.

Changes in policy
7.1. The Company reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Changes will be published on the Company's website.
7.2. Continuing to use the Company's website and services after changes to the policy means that the User agrees to the new version of the policy.

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